Thursday, May 20, 2010


Yes you read right, my current issues involve freeways, delivery services are large breasts. One may think that these are not the most important issues ever (world peace comes to mind) But its been a preettttty horrible week.

First I went to Jersey. That in itself should have wiped out all hope of a good week. (no offense if you're from the Dirty Jerz but all of my 4 experiences have been horrible) I needed to go to the Jers Ikea for furniture but we (myself and, my cohort in crime, Siobhan) missed the early bus. By missed I mean we got to the NJTransit early, bought tickets and then got royally fucked over by the idiots who think that they don't actually have to know anything about trains or train schedules to work at a train station.
So we missed the bus. So we go to buy a new set of tickets. The next bus to IKEA is at 12. This is not what Kitty wants to hear... so I plan this great excursion where we can take the 11:30 bus and it'll drop us off at Rochelle Park which (according to the map) is super close to IKEA. Perfect!


Not perfect. The map lied. BIG TIME. And so did Google. Because we walked for a mile and then saw IKEA and we were like yay! Ikea! No more walking in the cold pouring rain (did I forget to mention it was raining and we had no umbrella... or substantial clothes) But then Google was like walk 33 feet, take a left and cross the street. So we walked 33 feet, took a left and... saw a freeway.

A FUCKING FREEWAY. No overpass, no underpass. A freeway with fast cars. An hour of planning and scheming and trying to buy ourselves rides with little old Jersey women and we finally took a $20 cab 300 feet over the freeway.

Stress. AND THEN Ikea is like "its raining we cant deliver your furniture." I was like really... because of the raaaaain. Wear a raincoat!

More stress. So I'm sitting here (two days later) waiting for my furniture, praying to god it shows up because I leave the country in 48 hours and I sort of need my furniture first. (Btw is a fucking beautiful day so they have no excuse.)

So those are the problems plaguing my life right now.

Oh yah and I have boobs.

P.S. Dear Siobhan... in hindsight I realize that I still had the previous tickets we purchased at the bus station... so all that time you were begging me to just get back on the bus and I kept saying we didnt have anymore tickets.... My B....

P.S.S If you aren't Siobhan read her blog at I love you Shov!

1 comment:

  1. hahahahaha i love you.

    except for the bit about the bus. now i understand why you asked me not to kill you. i can forgive this if there is still pie later.
