Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I fear I have officially gone to the dark side.


I have twitter.

Now, if you feel like getting bite sized portions of total crap/ horrible advice/ life stories/ snarky world commentary you can just read my alotted 160 characters of Twit. This is also particularly useful if you have an urge to stalk me but don't actually want to deal with the laywer fees from when I haul your ass to court. 

I never envisioned myself as a "Tweeter" but once I found out that the ever gloriously sarcastic Randy Millholland of Something Positive* had an account I just had to get on the band wagon.  And lo and behold (!) like 90% of my favorite comic artists are on there. So now when I need a little taste of genius but can't wait for the daily/weekly/whenever they get to it comic I can just digitally stalk them. 


I'm still trying to figure out this whole hashtag thing... to be honest it sounds like something you'd stick on a bong. 

So... you should follow me.  ( I even added a little button under "followers" to make it easy for you.  I've found that easier is always better when dealing with the human race.

In other news, I'm not sure if I'm getting seriously spammed or if people are actually reading this barely updated hunk of junk blog.  I keep getting emails saying how interesting it is, or how they like the design, or asking questions about me but then they follow it with "check out my blog/website/religious fundamentalist group" sooooo... if you are reading and not just a cyborg, sorry for thinking you were a cyborg.  If you are a cyborg... DIE CYBORG, DIE.

Anyways.  That's all for now.  I won't promise to update soon because whenever I do I seem to forget.  So I'll just... blog ya later. 

p.s. yay! 60 posts today! woohoo!


*check out Something Positive if you need a laugh and your humor falls on the "at the expense of others" or "possibly morally questionable" category: (I suggest, as always, you begin at the first comic)

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