Wednesday, August 11, 2010


So I'm sitting at work the other day (slowly getting my soul sucked out of my eyes and into a computer screen) and MugWug emails me a picture.  Don't worry it wasn't of a wang.  It was one of the last KKC II posts... the post where I complained about his complaining.

Whoopsie daisies.

By the way... for those of you that don't read roman numerals II = 2.  As in KKC 2... like the second in the series of KKC.  (1= conundrums, 2=comics)

Just thought I'd lay that out because sometimes people don't understand.  Because a lot of people are idiots.

Speaking of people who are idiots... I love MTV shows.  I am particularly addicted to Teen Mom. I this 3/4th of the girls on there are dumbnuts however there is one chick (Maci) who is 1) totally cool 2) has a brain and 3) is actually a good mom to her kid.  Her boyfriend is an asshole and a half but she still manages to go to college, work, drag her deadbeat baby daddy to court for child support and still find for hanging out with her child.  The other ones are sort of super stupid.  Like... one almost got knocked up again because *whoops* they "forgot" to use a condom again.  Like... that's not a "my bad" moment.  It's a "oh now I remember how we got this small person thing the first time around maybe I should do the world a favor and sew up my vagina for life" moment.  And one of them can't speak with any semblance of grammar or vocabulary and is so busy complaining about how horrible her family is that she doesn't realize how much they do for her until she has to (by law) move out of her house.  The last couple is actually really sweet and while I do sympathize the loss they feel from giving up their daughter for adoption watching two seventeen year olds complain about what good parents they could have been every single episode gets tiring.

Waitwaitwait... how did I end up talking about Teen Mom... I was going to talk about whiney MugWug.

Oh poo he's boring.  (Just kidding MugWug, you know I love you*)

*probably more than you deserve. 

So on the medical front... after giving a pint of my blood to my doctor to figure out what the hell is wrong with me it's now been two weeks and I haven't heard anything back.  Hopefully thats a "hey you're perfectly fine" silence and not a "oops you're dying" silence.

I've got too much other shit to get in order before I head back to the city so bothering the doctor for test results that might possibly be negative can wait.

Well I'm going to go brush my hair because it's slowly turning into a rat nest.  And this Kitty doesn't really like rats... small sterile mice and hamsters perhaps but not rats. So I'm off little ones.  And if you haven't checked it out go look at KKC II


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