Saturday, August 28, 2010


So... I haven't been around in a long time.  Like... a LONG TIME.
Partly this is the fault of my pure laziness and lack of inspiration while at home and faced with the blogging alternative of getting drunk and falling down.

Speaking of getting drunk and falling down... last summer in an epic twist of skills and fate I managed to fracture my wrist playing beer pong.  This year while playing the same game (in a different bar) I managed to fuck my knee up.  At first I thought I'd totally blown it but its just strained. I've got some seeeexy gear for when I'm walking now.  Super Sexy.

So after the partying (and smashing and crashing) [b.o.b anyone?] I got on an airplane, which was a whole other blog post of a mess, and came back to the city.  Where I have no TV or internet.  Hence why despite having a small notebook filled with blog ideas (like the revenge on an age old enemy, my dream man, the use of the word cunt and getting searched 6 times at an airport) I have not actually written anything.

And you might be thinking "GO GET YOUR INTERNET SET UP" to which I would loudly (because caps = loudly) think back "DON'T YOU THINK I KNOW THAT?" But I have an issue.  I used to get my cable and internet from Time Warner, and they were always good to me.  Has an easy pay system and didn't mind if I was a month or three late paying.  But the video in the cab on my way back from the airport told me that starting this fall Time Warner may no longer have access to ABC or Fox... that means no Glee, no Greys, no crappy ABC Family made for TV movies or other mindless entertainment. This is an issue.  And since I don't have internet I can't actually look up if this is a "may not" or a "will not" situation.  Ugh such stress.

So instead of actually figuring this out I've been distracting myself with xbox.

(btw... If you ever played Fable and hated it [like I did] you should really try Fable 2. It's awesome so far.  2 men have proposed to me and half the town fears me and half of it loves me.  Amazing)

But if not tomorrow then Monday I vow to do SOMETHING about the situation because being parted from my facebook, twitter and this blog are really starting to irk me.  Slash I really need to finish signing up for electives for my senior year.

You might be wondering how I'm updating without internet.. the beauty of starbucks.  Pay $2.50 for a small tea and you get access to the free interweb for as long as they think you still have liquid in your cup.

Well I'm going to go since I've been sitting here for almost an hour and I only ordered a very small tea. As soon as I get my home internet up and running I'll post a real blog post.

Much love Kittens.

(btw, I have twitter on my phone so if you're craving your KKC follow me to get daily doses of insanity and debauchery by me.  [@KKatConundrums])


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