Thursday, September 23, 2010


I've been having a bit of trouble keeping this thing up to date lately, my apologies.  I know it's such a common excuse but honestly once school starts up there's an avalanche of stress and before I know it I'm freaking out over being 10 minutes late and crying over my quiz next tuesday.  I feel like I don't even have that much work and I'm probably stressing myself out way more than I need to but I just don't have enough hours in the day.

Although if I cut out all the worrying I would probably have more time to do the things I'm worried about.

Ugh. Logic.

This is sort of why I've become addicted to twitter.  It's much easier because I don't have to sit down and type out a whole post I can just do it on the go.  And most of the time it's just the same bite sized nuggets of worry, stress and bitching that I'm already doing.  So if you're missing your daily kitty, get on twitter.

I'm going to make a conscious effort to try to update at least bi weekly (I figure one mid week and one post weekend should cover all the drama) on here and then daily bits of insanity can be found on the twitter.

My life has sort of gone from super perfect to quickly disintegrating quite rapidly over the last few weeks.  When I first got back to the city I had this great apartment and I had time to chill and see my friends and be happy.  Now suddenly I have class and homework and the house is getting messier and messier and I'm sleeping so much and fighting with my friends over ridiculous things and when I get home instead of cleaning or doing homework I just end up sitting on the floor watching reruns of Law & Order: SVU that I've already seen 40 times before just because I'm too tired to work or clean.

Speaking of fighting.  MugWug and I have been getting into it quite a lot recently.  We've always teased each other and played with how far is too far but lately, and I admit it's mostly me, I find us saying things that aren't funny at all.  Like some seriously malicious shit.  And it just feels like as my house gets messier and my homework pile gets bigger we fight more and then I definitely don't want to work or clean because I'm angry and would rather lie in bed all day and night brooding.

I don't know.  I don't know if my life is going to shambles because I'm losing my best friend or if I'm losing my best friend because my life is going to shambles but both of them seem to be happening.

There's a Huskers game this Saturday (go check out KKC II to figure out what the hell I'm talking about)  which I was supposed to go to with MugWug but maybe instead I'll maintain radio silence and spend the weekend trying to figure out what then hell is going on with myself.

Ugh.  Being an adult is so complicated.

I just want someone to take care of me.

I pride myself on being so strong and independent but everyone needs someone at some point.

Well... that's about it.  I'm going to wash my sheets and fold some laundry and try to put my life back together.  Sorry this wasn't the usual witty-fest but sometimes a Kat needs to put her serious thoughts down too.  Some adventures/hilarity to ensue soon, I pinkie promise.

Stay good.


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