Saturday, September 25, 2010


So I've discovered something pretty horrible about myself.
Apparently I do not like to share.

And I'm not talking about a silly playground fued over a swingset or who gets the first slice of pie. I realllly don't like to share.

Specifically, people.

Like... Friends.

Now just wait a second before you start conjuring images of me hoarding dead bodies in my basement... It's not like that.

I don't even have a basement.

I just really don't like the idea of losing my friends. I want all my friends to get along and shit. Like if I were throw a party I would want every friend I have to be able to come and enjoy themselves and jave fun talking to each other and shit. I'd even support two of my friends to hook up. Hell, I'd even (and have in the past) encourage it!

But that's it. I don't want you to enjoy each other so much that you start hanging out on a regular basis... Without me.

I know I'm being selfish.

Hell I know I'm being a really unfair selfish bitch of a person.

But I'm also being honest.

And, honestly, nobody likes feeling like they're being replaced.

Lately I've been feeling sort of like an interim friend. Like I have all these great friends but once I let them meet suddenly they're the good friends and I'm the kid who occasionally gets invited to the random fundraiser party.


Green eyed kitty is selfish and jealous and full of self loathing.


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