Not today.
Although I could easily bitch, bemoan and pity myself to the end of Manhattan and back, I won't.
Equally I will not be ranting, raving or spewing unicorn shaped particles of fairy dust over my life story.
No. Today (slash tonight, since it's almost midnight) I want to write just for the sake of writing.
That's why I started this thing. I had thoughts, people seemed interested in my thoughts and this is a forum when I can think out loud to as many people as there are on the internet (or as few as the ones actually interested)
Well today I'm going to talk a little bit about movies.
Sort of.
See, I have this thing where whenever I'm too still, too bored, too mad, too upset, too stressed, too stuck or too nothing, I go to the movies. It started because I was sitting in my producing for film class and I realized I hadn't seen a single movie the kids around me were talking about. They were throwing out producer names and budget figures and net income and box office ratings and... a lot of crap that I had no idea about. So I thought, okay, I'll go to more movies.
Two months later I have now seen 9 movies in theater, rented two movies on DVD, watched 11 movies on Netflix Instant and rented all four seasons of Wildfire (the abcFamily show about horse racing, woohoo!) My Netflix Instant queue has 38 movies ready to be watched and my DVD queue is up to 14.
But I still know nothing about net incomes or budget approval or whose in the red or in the black (there's such a thing, did you know that?) and frankly I couldn't really care right now. A movie should make you forget that crap.
When you see a good movie you should forget that you're in a smelly theatre and you shouldn't notice the text message that the idiot in front of you is typing. You should forget everything that came with you when you walked through those doors; the stress, the failed midterms, the boy problems, everything. A movie should let you drop those worries at the concession stand.
Don't worry, they'll still be there in 186 minutes when you get out.
Anyways, I'm getting off track.
The point is, movies should be good. And I saw one tonight that was... surprisingly great. I went to Morning Glory because I was tired at 8pm and I couldn't bear the thought of putting myself to bed before pm. Just because my knees are shot and my back is one slipped disc from a lifelong vicodin prescription, doesn't mean I should be in bed before my 10 year old cousin. I'm still a youthful kitten, not yet a bitter old sourpuss.
Anyways, I go to see Morning Glory and it's sort of a RomCom (but less Rom then Com) and it's relatable because it's about a girl trying to make it in a shitty economy (although I've never had to search for a job so that relate-ability not hitting me) and her dream job is producing for daytime TV (which I hope to never have to do) and despite all these things that should turn me off, I am so sucked into the world of Daybreak that by the end of the show I had abandoned my giant diet coke and was perched on the very edge of my velveteen seat waiting to hear the next word.
Literally perched.
And the plot is predicable yet the actors are so good that you forget about that and you are with them in the moment and the editing is so good that you are racing to keep up and no line falls flat and you're literally laughing out loud because they didn't just put the best parts in the previews, they saved those nuggets for you, the ticket holder. And it's just...
It's truly great.
And I get out of that theatre and I'm not tired anymore. I don't want to start producing for Daytime TV or date whats-his-face from the movie. I just want to be great.
I want to know who produced this movie and what their budget is and how much net versus gross they got and how the box office is doing and all those details because this was a great movie and I want to be a great producer who makes great movies so I want to know what these people did so I can learn to be as great as they are.
And that's corny and cheesy and so silly and I still am realistic, I know that there's a 1 in 304,098,070,230,001 chance that I will actually make all of my separate, and very lofty, dreams come true. But I don't care because I leave that theatre and my brain feels like its turned on for the first time in days and I have all these ideas flooding in and they have nothing to do with what I just watched for 95 minutes but they're there because of what I just watched for 95 minutes.
So I'm going to jot down a few of these ideas, continue to mull over them (at the gym tomorrow!) and start being great. Even if I have to take greatness in the form of little itty bitty baby stumble steps. Because right now being great doesn't mean being on Broadway or producing a blockbuster or writing the next best seller. Right now, great is knowing what the gross profit of Morning Glory is, and passing y GenEd classes, and graduating on time, and getting an applause at the end of the student play I'm doing right now and writing a blog about being inspired instead of about what a bitch my MugWug has been lately. So here I am.
Where are you?
Now I should put myself to sleep. Grandma still needs her beauty rest, especially if she's going to wake up in time to get to her GenEd class at 9am and remember to pack her sneakers for the gym after.
Hello Greatness.
Goodnight World.
p.s. MugWug actually isn't being a bitch this week. We're back to loving each other unconditionally. Marie on the other hand...
love you kittens. Be great.