Monday, January 10, 2011


Serious question.

Where did all the drowsy meds go?

Like, when I was a kid and I had to fly my mother gave me Sudafed because that shit would knock you out for a plane ride.  And if I felt a little off I would get some Robituson and be out like a light.  Or if I felt a bad cough coming on my mother would force me to take some Buckleys and, as nasty as that shit tasted, it would knock me and my flu on our asses.

Now whenever I take medication it has "Non-Drowsy" printed on it.

Like, thanks for the option Sudafed but I'd actually like some sleep now. Kthxbye.

I know that there is Ambien and Nyquil and a bunch of other sleeping aids out there but I don't want anything too strong.  I just want that nice drowsy feeling that comes with cold medicine to drift away to sleep.

My knee fucking hurts, I pulled a muscle in my neck so that fucking hurts, my face hurts from various afflictions and my head hurts because my dog threw a tantrum that involved 45 minutes of skreechy whining and barking as well as one bite on the fatty part of my arm that realllly fucking hurt (I know you planned that you little mongrel.  Guess what, I'm not giving you anymore of my cheez-its now)

Pretty much I'm falling apart.

So I took a bayer (because god forbid anywhere on this forsaken island actually sell TylenolPM) and my birth control (which I'm using to delay my period so I can use PBA*) and now I'm lying here an I don't want to take a bunch of crap I dont need like Nyquil but I need sleep.  And despite the last tendrils of a nasty cough (that took over my lungs, got comfy, set up parliment and is refusing to give up power without a long hard fight) I can't take any cough or flu meds because they will just wake me back up.

Honestly, I need that drowsy magic.


Plus what am I going to do when I finally have a baby (after I finally meet a man who will finally have sex with me more than once and finally become my boyfriend and then finally put a ring on my finger and THEN finally have a baby) and we're traveling? I am not going to be that Momma with a crying baby on a 6 hour flight.  I'm going to find a drowsy medicine and dose that kid up and then tell people how well behaved s/he is as if it's totally natural and not drug induced.

So, I'm in need of medications and sleep nd this combo is making me crabby.  I'm going to go try to bore myself to sleep now. Talk to you kittens later.

*The last post was supposed to introduce a new cast member PBA but I got side tracked and lost my point (because I was drunk) I'll try to remedy the situation and give him a proper post but for now just know he's being useless and not at all like the PBA he is.

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