Tuesday, January 11, 2011


So I was watching TV today and a commercial come on for walk in bathtubs.

They're easy access tubs for old people.  You can get the seated version where you walk in, close the door behind you and fills up around you.  Like sitting in a hot tub.  OR you can get the automated version which is like a lawn chair. You lie on in and it lifts you into the bathtub in a lying position.

Why am I telling you about something that is clearly aimed at old people?

Well, I'll tell you.

You see when these commercials usually come on I just sort of laugh and go back to thinking about the shoes I just bought or finding some advil for my headache, that sort of thing.  This time was different.  I was in the middle of twitter stalking Siobhan (find her at http://twitter.com/siobhans13 or http://siobhanstevenson.blogspot.com/)  And was quite involved with twitter-bugging her when the walk in tub advert came on.

And I was interested...

Like... I put aside my gossip hunting and actually paid attention.  At first I was like meh. Commercial. Then I was like... hmm that looks pretty comfortable.  Hmm.. I like baths.  Hmm... I have bad knees, I could totally use something like that.  Oohh It has massage jets too! Oooh it fills up in only 3 minutes.  Oh look at that darling little shelf, I could put a book there and.....

whoa whoa whoa!

Who AM I???

Since when do my interests include walk in bath tubs instead of gossip? What's next? Dentures instead of blow jobs? Walkers instead of fast cars and motorbikes?

When did I turn into a grandma???

Who ever heard of getting banged in a walk in bathtub? Not sexy at all.

I need to do something young tonight.  I need to load up on booze and do something stupid, like shots off some man candy, and then have crazy sex with someone too old or too young for me.  Maybe throw in some disturbance of the peace and property damage...

Something that will convince me that even though my knees and back and elbows and hips and fingers are all old lady joints I am still 21 and just a kid.


PBA needs to come through for me tonight....

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