Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Nom Nom Nom.
(International sign of happy munching and crunching and devouring of yumyums)

So today I went grocery shopping... usually this wouldn't be a newsworthy event but its been almost three weeks since I had any money or real food. You see... a little less than three weeks ago I went to a party, that I wasn't invited to, and I was faced with a minor crisis where one of my friends went running off into the abyss of Battery Park alone... so I went after her of course. This was not the issue... the night could have turned itself around real easy after that.

but nooooo.

This dumbass Kitty put her damn purse down on the stairs when she put her coat on and some little swiper came and took it and ran down to the golden arches for a $12 feast of Micky D's. That... was a mistake. Entirely my own fault but annoying. Lost my ID, (and more importantly) my fake ID, my wallet (including all three of my credit cards) my keys, my beautiful 3 week old camera and a wonderful purse.

SO I scrounged in my couch and under the rugs and somehow dug up about $60 dollars in small change which allowed me survival for two weeks. But now I has my money back (which was a whole other problem) so I got groceries!

Now I am a recently re-devoted Vegan (and by recent I mean I finished the frost bitten chocolate ice cream in my freezer before I went to the store) so I walked the extra 6 blocks to the health food store and bought all the ingredients for my new vegan recipes and then I trudged them back (the extra 6 blocks and up the 5 flights) to my home... (did I mention how heavy health food can be?)

I sat on my couch recovering from the trek and then finally decided to put the groceries away. Now I get pretty curious when trying something new... I'm a Kat, what do you expect? So I started to rip open the healthy crap like a kid on Christmas and at first it was fun and then kind of boring and normal...

And then I opened the last can...

Apparently a new staple of my diet is a nutritional flake that looks like something we used to feed to the Chinese fighting fish in my high school math teachers classroom.


Now I'm not giving up... and I'm not disheartened per say... just a little... um... wary? So wish me luck in making something edible out of tiny little fish flakes. I'll let you know how it turns out.


  1. I almost bought a chinese fighting fish the other day. You reminded me of that. Luckily, I didnt because I too often buy pets on a whim and then dont know what to do with them.
