Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I call this #1 because I am sure it is one of many

P.s I'm drunk. Thank Jesus for spell check. (no really, thank him... have you ever read Samuel, chapter one? It's in there... thou shall no spell incohesive nonsense.

why, pray tell, am I drunk on a tuesday? Well let me tell you.

1) I had dinner with my fajah, his girlfriend and her children... so
there came wine glasses one two and three...
(actually for the record I pretty much adore his girlfriends family
because they're awesome. So really it was the dinner with fajah that
brought on glasses one two and three.)

2) Said fajah is not living at home right now. Which is an
overdramatic way of saying that he's staying at a hotel while
his bedroom gets painted.
When else am I going to get the chance to party all night on
a tuesday without anyone to explain it too? (So really it was
a smashdon of oppertunity)

3) I planned on only having one more drink when I get to the bar
but then someone offered to drop me home since they live two
seconds from me and... well it was all downhill from there.

4) While drinking I ran into the best friend of my ex-Main Squeeze
and he informed me that he was the team leader of the sound group
who have been in my house all week... and he loves my room.
Yes, my room. My bright purple walled, electric blue carpeted,
rainbow curtained room. The same room with butterfly stenciling
and a rug shaped like a flower. The same room that WAS A MESS
because I was in LA!!!
So now I look like a fucking five year old in front of someone
who I sort of want to think I'm cool so he'll tell his best friend that
I'm cool. But no.
No coolness for me.

Why couldn't they have come next week when my room will be
painted grey with black accents? Grey black and blue is way
classier than purple blue and butterflies.
Like why couldn't they be here to see my sexy new king size bed
that replaced my matching (butterfly adorned) twin beds? Or to
see that I don't actually live like a slob...
well I do, but we're trying to look cool here remember?

You might be wondering... dude, its a tuesday night... can you really get into that
much ruckus on a tuesday night?

Yes, my friend. Yes.

Sweet Lord, Baby Jesus my head is going to hurt tomorrow...

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