Wednesday, July 21, 2010


So I get to work today, read my favorite webcomics, shotgunned some coffee and mulled over my nightime adventures. And then I signed on to blogger (okay I actually checked my facebook, the local paper, the NY times & my work email, ate a yogurt, checked facebook again, went trolling for new comics, stared at my ceiling for 6 minutes straight before my co-worker asked if I was alright and then logged on to blogger) and found that there is a new toy for blogs!


(And by new I mean they've been around for ages but I just realized how to add them slash blogger took pity on me and sent me a how-to link)

Now you can let me know if you agree with a post (Fuck Yah!), thought it was funny (I just peed) or generally love it and/or me for a multitude of reasons (obsessed.)

You could tick all three if you really wanted to.
Or you could tick none... but lets not talk about scary things today.
Super sweet.
(the "buttons"/tick boxes are at the bottom where you would comment)

So I believe in promoting things you believe in sooooo...
I read comics like whoa. It's sort of a problem. Anyways I figured since I love these artists so much maybe I should give them a little bit of free advertising. So all four of you should read these guys.

First off is Devils Panties (It's not satanic porn) This is the first webcomic I ever read and I fell hard for it. It's a semi true life strip about the artist (Jennie Breeden) and her family/jobs/boyfriends/shenanegins. I personally like to start every comic from the beginning so the link I'm giving you goes to her first one. She also pens several other comics that are awesome. The first couple of strips are just her getting into the groove but then it kicks off into total awesomeness. Give it a try.

My newest fav is Girls With Slingshots which is a great strip by Danielle Corsetto about bars, boys and sex toys. Obviously I am totally obsessed with it. There are other topics too... like dating, cats and a talking Scott-Irish cactus. It's pretty freaking sweet. Once again, read from start.

Anywho, just thought I'd share some of my favorite things with you. Hopefully these will bring you as much joy and relief from boredom at work as they do me.

p.s. the photos are buttons! ctrl-click to go to the first page of the strips.

much love

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