Friday, June 18, 2010


So... I've been working out lately (insert applause and wolf whistles here) and last night, like every night this week, I decided to go for a nice 5 mile run. Cool. No problem. Got my huff and puff and sweat on and then when I was throughly tired I went upstairs for a shower.

Heres a bit of back story for you... every day for the last few weeks my fahjah has been complaining about how little water we have in the tank. (I dunno how it works in other places but here we have a water catchment that feeds into a tank under the house) Anywho... so we have low water. He's the one thats paranoid about it and he's the one who complains all day long but then he fills the pool for an hour every day so that it is always lying juuuust at the top. Like really? We don't even use the freaking pool right now..

So back to me being sweaty... I go upstairs for a shower and shocker... you guessed it. No water for shower. No water at all..

My father then stomped around for an hour yelling about how he couldn't believe this could have happened and how it was impossible and obviously my fault... god I can't wait to get back to my own apartment.. and then tried to fix it himself... i.e. fucked it up further.

I then called all my closest friends and family (closest as in distance) and nobody was home or willing to let me use their shower so I had to call my ex boyfriend...

you might remembering me mentioning how a certain boy broke my heart twice... pretty epic breakage too... well.. he lives over the hill from me. and we've sort of become friends again. (Let's call him Charlie, shall we?) Well Charlie and I just recently became friendly again so it was a little weird to call and ask to use his shower.. like its not like I've never used it before but I uhh usually had company.... *murgle* Anyways... I'm pretty sure his family thinks we're back together now, which is awkward, since they invited me to the family barbaque this sunday.

Our mutual friends might also be getting the wrong idea.

Anyways I'm off to slack off for another hour and a half before ditching work to start the long weekend with a boom...


au revior kittens.



    also hahahahah you had to use charlie's shower ohhh jessica.
    also, good work with working out! 5 miles sounds really really far.


    ps i hope blogger doesnt eat this comment too MY GOD if its so hungry go eat someone elses blog

  2. Why are you friends with him if he broke your heart? I can't imagine being friends with my ex
    -Karen, OH
