Monday, June 14, 2010


So a while back I posted about how I wanted to lose some major weight this summer. And that is still so so true. I just want my 16 year old body back. It's only been four years since I was a size 8 (sometimes squeezing my ass into a 6) and despite hating how I looked back then I look at photos now and think daaaamn that girl is saxay!

While I realize some of the damage done by heartache and college (by which I mean by chocolate and mac n cheese) will never be undone I have my goals...

That's me the winter I was 16. Yeah, I have some love handles and I've always had a flat ass but I mean come on... Not to toot my own horn but *toottoot* I still own that bathing suit and if I can get into it by next summer and not look like a washed up balooga caught in some nylon netting then I will be damn proud.


Just thought I'd post some visual motivation for myself.

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