Sunday, June 27, 2010



Not just love relationships or physical relationships but all relationships.

I've always been taught that you have to put effort in to make relationship work. And that is so so true. But sometimes its time to abandon efforts and let a relationship crash and burn. For example... when people you've known for 16 years purposefully exclude you from activities then its time to stop bothering to call them when you're having a party because, seriously, you don't need bitches like that bringing you down.

or... when you realize that your bit on the side expects you to drive across town in pouring rain on a motorbike at 4 in the morning and doesnt offer to put your clothes in the dryer or let you crash there for the night.. bye bye.

or when a really good friend gets mad at you because his girlfriend won't let him talk to you... if you don't have the balls to stand up for our relationship after 6 years of friendship then I don't have the time to waste waiting for your phone call or going to your football games.

You have to put effort in but so do they. What happens when you try to drive two cars down a one way street? One gets left behind... or there is a major crash and everyone ends up in pieces..

no good.

So if there is someone that you have been desperately trying to connect with... calling.. emailing.. facebooking... texting... IMing... skyping.. showing up at their house... etc etc etc.. then its time to stop. Either they'll wake up and realize that the most caring person in their lives just checked out because of their own shittiness or you might never hear from them again. If its the latter.. you don't deserve shitty people who don't care about you bringing down your life. You deserve people who will see you for all the glory and greatness that you possess.

And if you happen to be one of those people who never answers their phone or returns a message or invites the people who care about you to your parties or any of those other shitty things then... go look in the mirror.. smack yourself in the face a few times.. and go pick up your fucking phone and call people. You aren't that great. You aren't the center of everybodys world and if you continue to treat people like they are expendable then one day you will wake and realize that you no longer have anybody to call or text or email because they will have all left you behind.

Relationships are two way streets... sometimes there are bugs on your windshield and you get a flat tire and your car over heats... but street is still there and other cars are still there to support you through your motor vehicle misery...

Maybe that was ridiculously corny or a horrible metaphor but what I'm saying is that relationships need to be a multiperson thing... if you try to spend your life making other people happy and making everything right then you'll end up with a prozac habit and some serious self worth issues. Relationships should make you feel better about your life...not worse.

So the next time that bitch ditches you at a party or that bastard makes a fool out of you... cut them off. Chances are they'll respect you more for actually having a backbone and you'll end up happy.

Happy... imagine that.

1 comment:

  1. Cut those freaks off. Anybody mean is so not worth it. Andddd you've always got meeeeee! And we are going to have fun adventures in the city. Because we are awesome.

    Sorry certain people did not appreciate you. But seriously, their loss.
